“Population Control”

It is so aggravating when hunters have the audacity to justify killing animals for fun by calling it “population control”. Their argument is that they are “helping” the animals by thinning out their numbers otherwise there would be too many of them, causing their food supply to dwindle and result in their dying of starvation. Right, because nature was doing such a bad job of population control for the past, oh, 3-4 BILLION YEARS before humans were invented. 🙄 There’s already a natural mechanism in place to control population; it’s called the predator-prey cycle. Whether the prey is other animals or plants is irrelevant, the point is that as food supply increases, the population of the animal that eats it increases. As their numbers grow, the food supply decreases, which in turn causes the population to go down and so on and so on, hence the “cycle”. It’s worked just fine for billions of years, so it is incredibly specious and arrogant for humans to act as though they are somehow doing animals a favor by killing them. Worse, if they are giving themselves permission to interfere with nature “for the good of the animals” then why the hell do nature photographers just stand by and let animals die? They argue that they are just filming nature and not getting involved. Well I have to say that you are not Walter Cronkite, and even if you were, so what? What gives humans the right to selectively interfere by shooting deer but let a starving polar bear cub just die?

Like I have been saying for years, the faster that humans go extinct, the better off the entire universe will be.

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