Of Cowards and Idiots

Recently, I was riding the bus and it occurred to me that all of the riders were either cowards or idiots.

It was a bright, warm (but not too hot), sunny day. All of the windows on the bus were as open as they could be. The air-conditioning was on full-blast, making a lot of noise and burning a lot of fuel. And bafflingly, the heater was on!

Like I said, while it was fairly warm, it was not that hot, so having the windows open would have been sufficient to keep the heat at bay, at least it would have been, had the infernal heaters not been blasting heat into the bus, on our legs. (How can the heaters and air-conditioning even be on at the same time? Shouldn’t the bus designers have made that impossible‽) Somehow, I suspect that even if the heaters were off, the air-conditioning would still have remained on, despite the known fact that air-conditioning requires the windows to be closed, lest it be nothing but a waste of energy.

Anyway, I realized that everybody on the bus was either too stupid to notice the idiotic combination of conditions, or were too cowardly to step up and say anything to the driver.

Ostensibly I fall into the latter group; sadly, having social-anxiety disorder made it impossible for me to say anything.

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