You have to go very far left to reach people who are crazy or dangerous, but you barely need to even just lean to the right to reach the crazy, angry, hostile, conspiracy-theorist, gun-toting, murder-loving, religious zealots.
The left is bad, but they’re mostly just annoying with political-correctness and wokeness, but the right is outright dangerous.
The republican party is falling apart, the GOP is unraveling rapidly with a lot of crazy people. Trump (who is not even a republican) dealt it a death-blow and republicans don’t even realize it.

The GOP is dead, the Republican party is just a wasp-eaten shell of its former self, a hollowed-out zombie-caterpillar brainwashed into protecting the parasite at its own expense, completely destroyed and infested by Trump. The GOP is RINO, it’s over, forget it, kid, it’s Magatown.