Arbitrary taxation

I went to the dollar-store to get more of those 730g tins of Maxwell House coffee for $2.50 because it’s a great deal. Unfortunately, they were sold out and probably won’t be back (apparently the dollar-store gets one-time items for some reason 🤨). I knew it was too good to be true. 😕 Thankfully I got 10 tins while they had them, so hopefully I’ll be able to drink coffee with impunity for a while.

Anyway, while I was there, I figured I’d see about getting some other stuff. To my surprise, they had some relatively cheap (but brand-name) soap available, so I bought a bunch so that I don’t have to worry about running low (I swear soap melts faster than it used, probably on purpose so that you have to buy it more often 😒). Then I got tempted by the snack aisle. This is bad because I’m trying to do the Keto diet, and all that junk has carbs galore.

I figured I’d get a few things that were a decent value and just leave them in the basement as storage for the future (or hypothetical—read imaginary 🙄— guests).

The strangest part is that when I looked at the receipt, the items that were and weren’t taxed was baffling. The soap was taxed, which seems stupid since soap is hardly a luxury or an unnecessary item. 😒 Moreover, granola bars were also taxed even though they’re the “healthy” snack, but all the other junk foods were not taxed.

Who the heck decides what gets taxed or not? This seems pretty random. (I wish I could attribute it to Hanlon’s razor, but the jaded cynic in me has to assume they taxed the soap because it was more expensive. ¬_¬)

Receipt with seemingly random items taxed
How do they decide what items get taxed? 🤔
Another receipt with seemingly random items taxed
How do they decide what items get taxed? 🤔

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