[Health] We Are All Sick

Well, it seems that my entire family is afflicted with at least one permanent, incurable ailment.

Lusha is diabetic, and has been for over a year now. She has been getting insulin shots for about 10 months and still isn’t cured (cats are the only known creatures for whom diabetes can go into remission), so she will probably have it for life. 🙁

Adora apparently has asthma. We had him x-rayed yesterday, and the vet wants to start him on some anti-inflammatories and allergy medicine (and steroids if needed). Of course asthma is also permanent, so he’ll be stuck with that forever too. It doesn’t seem to affect his behavior—the little freak actually seems to enjoy exercise! :D—but he does heave a lot (I blame my mother since his heaving is exactly like her own smoking-induced heaving.)

My mother’s got all kinds of incurable problems like a herniated vertebrae, rheumatoid arthritis, heart murmur, and on, and on, and on. Honestly, she is quite the freak considering how well she has held together despite her innumerable ailments.

I was always quite healthy and actually admired my body and immune system for its effective maintenance. Unfortunately, ever since I graduated and got dumped out into the “real world” six years ago, my life has become a living Hell. I have been under constant, consistent, and ever-increasing stress and pressure because no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I just cannot make a living. The pressure and stress has manifested in all kinds of bodily degradations like my gums disappearing overnight and sudden onset carpel-tunnel. Also, bruises and injuries don’t heal anywhere near as fast as they used to.

Money can buy happiness and health. If we had money, then we could afford to take the cats to the vet for anything and everything, thus keeping them healthier instead of having to wait until we have to. If we had money, we could get surgeries and competent doctors to fix our problems. If we had money, we could remove our poverty-induced stress which is the primary cause of health problems. Money can not only directly buy happiness and health, it also buys them indirectly by removing stress. Suck it losers who coin and use those bogus adages.

[Finance] Debt Collectors Are Idiots

And I mean that literally; they are complete morons. It has gotten to the point that they are calling a couple of dozen times per day, starting really early and going well into prime-time (after hours). What, do they think that they can annoy me into repaying my students loans with money that I don’t have? If annoying me has any effect, it is that their rude, inconsiderateness is making me decide to not pay them back even if I ever do have money.I don’t know which debt(s) it is/are (which student loan: governmental/privatized) because the morons don’t leave messages anymore. Then again, that’s a good thing because it would only serve to infuriate me even more if I had to hear their damned, and impotent voices attempting to threaten me with lawsuits that unfortunately never seem to come. Also, they would waste space on the answering machine if they left messages, and the machine is often intelligent enough to not even register a message if it is blank.The problem of course is that most people do fall for collector’s threats and harassment techniques, so they continue to use them; they are just spammers: if even a few people respond, then they continue their despicable behavior.