[Entertainment] Kid’s Stories Rock

My New Year’s resolution this year was to shift focus to optimism. It occurred by chance. Thanks in part to the writer’s strike, I began watching kid’s shows more than anything else, and I love it. I have also begun watching more kid’s/family movies.

This weekend I watched several including The Game Plan and The Pacifier (as a double feature). I knew these two would have happy endings for obvious reasons, but when I watched Because of Winn Dixie (especially towards the end), I was worried that it would have a sad ending. Fortunately I was wrong and it had a happy ending.

I do not understand adults’ masochistic desire to feel bad, and thus the prominence of sad, depressing, and pessimistic themes in film—particularly award winners—but I prefer to watch things that make me feel good. I like movies that don’t end crappily-ever-after.