[People] Valve and Jennifer Phang Owe Me An Hour

The most interesting thing just happened. I had to forcibly make myself leave the IMDB page for the drama film “Half-Life” because it was entirely too easy to cut the juveniles down who were ranting and raving that the movie isn’t about the game. I looked up at the clock and suddenly noticed that I had spent almost an hour just posting biting retorts to those fools. I posted almost a dozen replies to their infantile complaints, carefully crafted to educate, entertain, and insult.

While it may have been fun, I had to force myself to stop because there were so many, and they were so easy, that I could have easily gone on for another hour. Besides, they were too easy. There was just no sport in it, no honor of shooting down an idiot, no matter how large; fish in a pickle jar.

That’s an hour of my life that I’ll never get back. 🙁