Better My Foot Than the Remote

I have on occasion been asked why I automatically stick my foot out to catch things that are dropped. My response is always the same; better my foot than the ___. My reasoning is simple: my foot will heal (for free) the object dropped will not. This is true, in most cases nothing occurs if I catch an object with my foot, for example if I catch a remote or eye/sun glasses or something, I have saved it from breaking with no repercussions. If the object is a little heavier, for example a video tape or clock, my foot may bruise or worst case scenario a bone will break but like I said my foot will heal whereas if I let the object fall and break it will have to be replaced at cost. Of course it depends on the object, I will catch something irreplaceable but not something I can just get another one of at the dollar store. Also, there are limits; I will not catch a dropped knife or a frozen bag of milk or turkey…unless of course my cats are beneath.