One thought to “☑ Postal Credits ASCII Art”

  1. Well, it turns out that the figure is actually GLaDOS herself. The script in one of the resource files actually has the text representations of the ASCII art images from the credits and this one is tagged as “GLADOS”:

    "GLADOS1"  "[12.000]       #+ @      # #              M#@   "
    "GLADOS2"  "[12.000] .    .X  X.%##@;# #   +@#######X. @#%  "
    "GLADOS3"  "[12.000]   ,==.   ,######M+  -#####%M####M-    #"
    "GLADOS4"  "[12.000]  :H##M%:=##+ .M##M,;#####/+#######% ,M#"
    "GLADOS5"  "[12.000] .M########=  =@#@.=#####M=M#######=  X#"
    "GLADOS6"  "[12.000] :@@MMM##M.  -##M.,#######M#######. =  M"
    "GLADOS7"  "[12.000]             @##..###:.    .H####. @@ X,"
    "GLADOS8"  "[12.000]   ############: ###,/####;  /##= @#. M "
    "GLADOS9"  "[12.000]           ,M## ;##,@#M;/M#M  @# X#% X# "
    "GLADOS10" "[12.000].%=   ######M## ##.M#:   ./#M ,M #M ,#$ "
    "GLADOS11" "[12.000]##/         $## #+;#: #### ;#/ M M- @# :"
    "GLADOS12" "[12.000]#+ #M@MM###M-;M #:$#-##$H# .#X @ + $#. #"
    "GLADOS13" "[12.000]      ######/.: #%=# M#:MM./#.-#  @#: H#"
    "GLADOS14" "[12.000]+,.=   @###: /@ %#,@  ##@X #,-#@.##% .@#"
    "GLADOS15" "[12.000]#####+;/##/ @##  @#,+       /#M    . X, "
    "GLADOS16" "[12.000]   ;###M#@ M###H .#M-     ,##M  ;@@; ###"
    "GLADOS17" "[12.000]   .M#M##H ;####X ,@#######M/ -M###$  -H"
    "GLADOS18" "[12.000]    .M###%  X####H  .@@MM@;  ;@#M@      "
    "GLADOS19" "[12.000]      H#M    /@####/      ,++.  / ==-,  "
    "GLADOS20" "[12.000]               ,=/:, .+X@MMH@#H  #####$="

    Thanks to Viper_sb for posting the answer to my question at the Gaming StackExchange site and z3rb who originally posted the ASCII-art scripts.

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