Friday, October 29, 2004

[Language] rEsUMéeeE

I'm only going to say this once. It's "resumé". Not résume, not résumé, not resume. I am sick and tired of people spelling it incorrectly. It's gotten so bad that even dictionaries are listing multiple or even all variations because they are now accepted. It's ridiculous.

Resumé is French. Anyone who knows French knows that the accent on the e is called a l'accent aigu. It makes the e below it sound like a long a as in dAy. Plus without any accents at all, resume is pronounced reesum, you know, as in "resume the playback". Now, with this knowledge try this exercise: say the various variations of resumé, pronouncing correctly. You'll find that the only one that sounds right is resumé. Raysumay is wrong, raysume is wrong, and reesume is wrong.

So, from now on please write resumé.


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